I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You. (Psalm 119:11)
We all struggle with sin. The key to overcoming sin is hiding God’s word in your heart. You can do this by memorizing Bible verses. What is the main sin that you struggle with? Go to Google and type in “Bible verses about (the sin you struggle with).” You will find a bunch of verses that specifically address your sin. Choose the verse that speaks to you the most. Keep it short. Then, write the verse down on 3x5 cards and spend time each day memorizing the verse. The key to memorizing is to spend time daily memorizing. A lot of people say they can’t memorize, but that’s not because they are not capable, it’s that they are not disciplined. Start with the first part of the verse and memorize that part. Say it out loud five times. Then, come back the next day and try and say that part of the verse from memory five times. Once you can say the first part out loud without looking, start working on the next part. Say the first part, then the second part from memory five times. Keep this process up for a week and you will have memorized the verse. As you are moving through your day, try saying the verse from memory. Share the verse from memory with others. If you can spend five minutes memorizing, you will find that you can memorize a lot of verses over time. This discipline will help you hide God’s word in your heart. ~ Jeff M Newman
If you have any prayer requests, please share them in the comments.
(Image by Casey Horner on Unsplash. Milky Way across the sky in Yosemite National Park. Berean Study Bible.)