You shall have no other gods before Me. (Exodus 20:3)
While on this earth, it is possible to prioritize other "gods" over God, which is known as idol worship. An idol refers to something one worships instead of God, placing their hope, seeking guidance, assistance, or blessings from it, rather than the God described in the Bible. God desires that you prioritize Him above all else in your life. Are there any aspects of your life where you are placing something before God? This verse also serves as a prediction about the future. Eventually, there will come a time when you will kneel before God, and no other gods will stand between you and Him. In Romans 11:14, the Bible states: "As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before Me; every tongue will confess to God." Make God your top priority and eliminate any idols from your life. ~ Jeff M Newman
If you have any prayer requests, please share them in the comments.
(Photo by Hans Isaacson on Unsplash. Michigan, United States. Berean Study Bible.)